Golf CourseRolling Hills

CONTACT US for assistance with a listed service.

Golf Club Consulting, Inc.

2770 Arapahoe Rd.

Suite #132 P.O. Box 190

Lafayette, CO






In the recent issue of

Golf Inc. magazine, we were honored as a recommended golf course consultant company.  

The list only contained (7) companies and we were the only company that provides expertise on golf course care and agronomy issues.

To read the article, press HERE.

To view a list of past clients, press HERE.

To read client

testimonials, press HERE.

GOLF COURSE SERVICES:  Existing Golf Course



We are VERY experienced with the search and placement of a Golf Course Superintendent.  

Because of our close ties to many GC Superintendents and Assistants throughout the US, we are the BEST company to find the right person for a GC Superintendent position. 

If we can assist your club with finding the right GC Superintendent, please let us know.



Below is a list of issues that we can help a club with.  If it has to do with the maintenance and care of a golf course, we are experts.

  • Is our GC Superintendent doing a good job?
  • We need help finding a new GC Superintendent.
  • How can we improve our course? 
  • Are we staffed correctly in the golf course maintenance department?
  • We don't understand what the Superintendent wants to do, is it right? 
  • How can we reduce the costs of maintaining our course?
  • Are we budgeting the right amount in the golf course maintenance department?
  • What do we need to pay to get a good GC Superintendent?
  • We need help prioritizing our course capital improvement needs.
  • Do we buy or lease equipment?
  • Do the our greens need to be rebuilt?
  • Do we need a new irrigation system?
  • Do we buy new or used equipment?
  • We need help solving an agronomic or course conditioning issue.
  • What is the right chemical to use to get rid of our weeds?
  • How often do we need to aerify the greens?
  • We've had the USGA Green Section visit the club and the report is hard to prioritize.

If there is anything on the list that we can help you with, please email us or call us at 808.225.9604.

For a list of the clubs or clients that we have served, press HERE.

We look forward to working with you. 

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Golf Club Consulting, Inc.
Phone: 808.225.9604

Certified Golf Course Superintendent